Patricia Lee

Patricia Lee works as Enumerator for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
Patricia can be reached at 587-943-7497

First name
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Telephone Number
Alternate Number
Fax Number
Street Address
1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 (view on map)
Postal Code
T2P 5L5
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Survey Programs - West
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Patricia Lee's team

Aaron Deschene Enumerator 587-943-7501 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Ally Gandhi Enumerator 780-809-2797 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Andrea Guinn Enumerator 403-515-3053 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Anita Huhn (2024) Enumerator 204-318-1756 700 Montreal Rd. Ottawa Ontario
Anne-Marie Giroux Enumerator 780-809-2791 700 Montreal Rd. Ottawa Ontario
Ashley Gaudry Manager, Programs 403-515-2925 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Barb Cote Enumerator 204-515-1222 700 Montreal Rd. Ottawa Ontario
Barbara Elder (2024) Enumerator 306-975-4634 700 Montreal Rd. Ottawa Ontario
Barend Bredenkamp (2024) Enumerator 604-425-4203 1111 West Georgia St., Suite 1900 Vancouver British Columbia
Brandie O'beirne (2024) Enumerator 403-515-3208 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Brenda Peterson (2024) Enumerator 306-975-4910 700 Montreal Rd. Ottawa Ontario
Brigitte Kitney-Rye Enumerator 403-451-9952 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Carl Gill Enumerator 403-515-2977 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Carol Davies Enumerator 604-737-4041 1111 West Georgia St., Suite 1900 Vancouver British Columbia
Carolyn Whyte (2024) Enumerator 204-515-1192 700 Montreal Rd. Ottawa Ontario
Chantal Long (2024) Enumerator 403-906-1695 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Christie Perley Enumerator 604-742-4659 1111 West Georgia St., Suite 1900 Vancouver British Columbia
Christine Buchanan Enumerator 780-306-5413 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Cindy Lauber Enumerator 403-906-1687 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Cindy Shumaker (2024) Enumerator 587-943-7775 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Coreen Wickenheiser Enumerator 403-699-8722 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Dale Soroka Enumerator 780-670-2277 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Danielle Hebert Clerk, Surveys 403-515-2954 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Debbie Fell Enumerator 250-363-8048 1111 West Georgia St., Suite 1900 Vancouver British Columbia
Debra Chaki Enumerator 204-515-1218 700 Montreal Rd. Ottawa Ontario
Debra Yip Enumerator 604-737-4153 1111 West Georgia St., Suite 1900 Vancouver British Columbia
Denise Dine Clerk, Surveys 604-737-4079 1111 West Georgia St., Suite 1900 Vancouver British Columbia
Dennis Pearce (2024) Enumerator 204-318-1772 700 Montreal Rd. Ottawa Ontario
Diane Kasprick Enumerator 403-699-8716 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Dillon Hung Clerk, Surveys 604-742-4384 1111 West Georgia St., Suite 1900 Vancouver British Columbia
Don Ward Enumerator 604-425-3836 1111 West Georgia St., Suite 1900 Vancouver British Columbia
Donna-Mae Ell (2024) Enumerator 306-975-5037 700 Montreal Rd. Ottawa Ontario
Douglas Greig Enumerator 403-699-8729 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Edna Stitt Enumerator 604-714-3716 1111 West Georgia St., Suite 1900 Vancouver British Columbia
Edward Guinn Enumerator 403-515-3023 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Elisabeth Schneider Enumerator 403-515-3043 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Elizabeth M Kmet (2024) Enumerator 587-943-7493 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Fabian Kan Clerk, Surveys 403-515-2920 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Gary Stubbard (2024) Enumerator 587-943-7498 1000 7th Ave. S.W., Suite 310 Calgary Alberta
Giuseppe Liberatore Enumerator 604-425-3848 1111 West Georgia St., Suite 1900 Vancouver British Columbia

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