Members of the House of Commons

Organization Structure



Name Title Telephone Number
Anil Sukul (2019) Constituency Assistant 905-470-2024
Bob Saroya (2021) Member of Parliament 613-992-1178
Christopher Poulos (2021) Constituency Assistant 905-470-2024
Erin Iverson (2019) Member's Assistant 613-992-1178
Hannah Zheng (2021) Constituency Assistant 905-470-2024
Hong Zheng (2021) Constituency Assistant 905-470-2024
Sam Manougian (2021) Constituency Assistant 905-470-2024
Shelley Tang (2021) Constituency Assistant 905-470-2026
Shi He Tang (2021) Constituency Assistant 905-470-2026
Yan Liu (2019) Constituency Assistant 905-470-2024