
Name Title Telephone Number
Alistair Butt Chief Officer
Andre Belcourt Fleet Special Projects 250-480-2600
Beverly Pearson (2019) Fleet Maritime Salary & Leave Clerk 250-413-2855
Carmen Casas (2017) Planning Assistant 604-775-8876
Christopher Seamone Navigation Officer 250-480-8640
David Elmhurst Oiler 250-480-2800
Derek Geake 3 rd Officer 250-413-2807
Diane Edmundson Executive Assistant to the Director of Operations 250-480-2734
Don Randell (2022) Small Vessel Officer 709-772-2368
Dylan Harrison Deckhand 250-413-2807
Gordon Jersch Engineer 250-480-2600
Gordon Roberton Oiler 250-413-2807
Jennifer Alloway Engineer 250-480-8640
Jim Cameron Deckhand 250-480-8640
Jonathan Hreno Supply Officer 250-413-2807
Kim Gauthier (2019) Crewing Assistant 250-413-2854
Linda Simpson Senior VOC Officer, Inventory 250-480-2940
Miles Fidler A/MariTime Supervisor (Pacific) 250-480-2756
Robert Keene Seaman 250-728-3322
Ryan Munro Operations Officer 250-480-2930
Sebastien Lemire SAR Mission Coordinator, Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC) Victoria 250-413-8948
Shan Prihar Financial Planning Officer 604-775-8833
Skye Mcewan Administrative Officer 250-413-2850
Wes Oikawa Engineer 250-480-2600