
Name Title Telephone Number
Alexandre Richer-Brulé (2019) FSWEP Student - Project Officer 343-542-4860
Alyssa Roussy (2020) Senior Project Officer 613-355-0913
André Latendresse Senior Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Advisor 438-341-3597
Barbara Tini Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Advisor 844-899-3605
Brigitte Bertrand (2019) Advisor 613-799-9156
Christine Seguin Intake and reporting officer 844-899-3605
Fay Najm (2022) Acting Manager, Respect in the Workplace Office 343-576-2120
Habon Nasir (2023) 555-555-5555
Jeffrey Twerdun Manager, Respect in the Workplace Office 343-574-5338
Louise Cuillierrier (2022) Prevention and Resolution of Harassment Advisor 613-697-0986
Marc-André Cousineau (2020) Senior Prevention and Resolution of Harassment Advisor 343-998-3641
Nicole Murray (2021) 613-555-5555
Salma Lakhani (2020) Manager, Respect in the Workplace Office 613-404-6813
Stéphanie Vigier (2022) Senior HR Advisor 343-572-3616
Suzanne Robitaille (2024) 613-203-0841
Veronique Robitaille-Gosselin Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Advisor 343-548-5213