Britt Watson

Britt Watson worked as Manager for Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada.
Britt could be reached at 613-862-6480

First name
Last name
Telephone Number
Alternate Number
Fax Number
[email protected]
Street Address
10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR (view on map)
Postal Code
K1A 0H4
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
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Britt Watson's team

Alex Brazeau (2019) Administrative Assistant 819-994-3134 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Alexandra Freedman (2019) Jr Program Officer 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Anella Fusco (2019) Policy Analyst 873-353-7684 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Betty Argenor (2018) Assistant to the Director 819-994-3134 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Betty Agenor (2018) Assistant to the Director 819-994-3134 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Bikash Chudal (2019) Program Officer 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Brad Cline (2019) Director 819-997-8746 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Brooke Debassige (2018) Student 819-994-0000 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Ceara Annett (2018) Student 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Christine Kokic (2020) Program Analyst 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Craig Roundpoint (2020) Auditor 819-934-9179 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Dwight Williams (2019) Clerk 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Émilie Duval (2020) Student 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Fatima Oliveira (2018) Program Officer 819-209-8321 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Gillian Marks (2019) Student 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Gregory Weir (2018) Sr Program Manager 819-639-9073 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR GATINEAU Quebec
Isabella Marcinek (2018) Auditor 819-994-0000 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Jasmine Bundale (2018) Program Officer 819-639-2895 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR GATINEAU Quebec
Joëlle Houde (2018) Program Officer 819-639-8739 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Joseph Coppolino (2018) Program Officer 819-639-4580 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Kevin Freiheit (2018) Program Manager 819-639-5867 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Lise Robillard (2018) Lands Research Clerk 819-921-2531 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Madison Pellmann (2019) Student 613-773-2463 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Mike Buckle (2018) Program Officer 819-639-2439 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Monika Tokarczyk (2019) Student 800-567-9604 15 EDDY ST, 6TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Nathalie Double (2019) Program Officer 343-550-5879 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec
Rebecca Weisgerber (2019) Policy Analyst 819-639-2439 10 WELLINGTON ST, 11TH FLOOR Gatineau Quebec

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