Learning and Development


Name Title Telephone Number
Arlene Clarke (2018) Leadership Development Specia 819-938-5631
Bernadette Mande (2019) Human Resources Advisor (Trainee) 819-938-4721
Betty Obel (2020) Human Resources Advisor (Trainee) 819-938-4721
Chantal Lachance (2023) Director, Learning, Development and Recognition 819-938-3914
Christine Tremblay (2022) Program Coordinator
Christine Morin Fortin (2021) Learning Coordinator 819-938-4941
Emmanuelle Abele (2018) Second Language Training Advi 204-983-0280
Genevieve Quevillon (2021) Learning Advisor 819-938-4667
Geneviève Quevillon (2020) Learning Advisor 819-938-4667
Isabelle Gaudreault Manager in Learning 819-805-5095
Jasmine Bigras (2020) Team Lead - Learning 819-420-7329
Joanne Routhier (2021) Departmental Coordinator 819-938-4668
Khandys Agnant (2018) Nat.Youth Network Coordinator 819-938-5598
Krista Lecuyer (2018) Project Coordinator- Marketing 819-938-4640
Lisa Per (2021) Senior HR Advisor 604-365-0909
Marie-Josee Saumur (2021) 819-420-8030
Melanie Riendeau (2019) Recognition Program-Communication 819-938-5867
Mia Rochon (2019) Learning assistant 819-938-5046
Mylene Guilbeault (2020) Program coordinator 819-420-7785
Natasha Teron (2021) E-learning and Multimedia Specialist 819-938-4078
Nicholas Lorrain (2020) Project Coordinator 819-938-4329
Pascale Larabie (2019) Administrative Support Officer 819-420-7893
Patrick Nicole (2018) Senior HR Advisor 819-938-4699
Patrick Girouard (2019) Learning Coordinator 819-938-5455
Richard Chénier (2020) Advisor, Career and Managemen 819-938-4662
Sevy Alexiou (2022) Manager, Corporate Learning & Performance Management Program
Sylvie Page (2020) Senior Advisor 418-648-4200
Valérie Myre-Allaire (2021) Coordinator, Performance Management Program
Vanessa Lacroix (2021) Coordonnatrice
Véronique Mantha (2022) Conseillère administrative 819-420-8009
Vincent Brassard (2020) Learning assistant